Delays & Closings

Emergency School Closing Information


Ledyard Public Schools uses the School Messenger System to communicate delays, closings, or
emergency situations. This communication system utilizes voice and email messaging. The district
initiated this system to enhance communication between schools and parents to keep them
informed of events in a timely manner. It is crucial that all emergency numbers are kept up to
date to ensure parents, guardians, caregivers, and/or emergency contacts receive this important

Cancellations, delays, and early dismissals will also be posted on the district website:

Announcements will also be made on a limited number of television and radio stations by 6:30
a.m. All decisions will be based on the most current weather forecasts available and observations
of road conditions. If you do not see or hear Ledyard Schools mentioned, please check more than
one station.

DELAYED OPENINGS - Should there be a need to delay the opening of school, Ledyard Public
Schools will open 2 hours later than usual.
For students in Grades K-12, transportation will arrive approximately 2 hours later than usual.

EARLY SCHOOL DISMISSALS -It is sometimes necessary to close schools earlier than usual
because of emergency situations such as storms, loss of heat, etc. Parents should discuss this
possibility with their children and make contingency plans for younger children. In case of an
early closing, announcements regarding dismissal times will be made by School Messenger (voice
and email and posted on and on local television and radio stations.

In the event that an emergency early dismissal is needed, the schools will dismiss according to
the schedule below:

PreK – refer to Ledyard Pre-School webpage
Ledyard Middle School – 12:00 p.m.
Ledyard High School – 12:00 p.m.
Grades K-5 – 1:00 p.m.

All after-school activities will be canceled.

Heat Related Dismissals - Ledyard High School and Juliet W. Long School do not currently have air
conditioning in the majority of their facility. All Ledyard Public Schools will have an early school
dismissal (see above) if the following conditions exist:

❖ Any Single school day with a forecasted temperature of 90 degrees by 11am

❖ Any school day following a 90 degrees school day (by 3pm) that has a forecasted
temperature of 88 degrees by 1pm

❖ Any school day following two or more sequential school days exceeding 90 degrees where
the nighttime temperature does not drop below 75 degrees

❖ After above criteria any additional sequential school day that reaches 85 degrees by 10 am