The Connecticut State Department of Education and Bureau of Special Education (BSE), has implemented a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) document and the Special Education Data System (CT-SEDS).
This new system will:

The New IEP (Draft Form)
Side by Side Comparison of the New IEP vs the Old IEP
ensure all districts in the State of CT are utilizing the same IEP/504 platform
streamline the look of IEP/504 documents making them easier to read/understand
translate various documents into 10 different languages:
Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Creole-Haitian, Mandarin, Albanian, Polish, Urdu, Bengali, & Vietnamese
assist in improving the quality of IEP/504 plans for all students
CT-SEDS includes a PARENT PORTAL where families have access to their student's IEP/504 and other documents associated with their individualized instruction and supports.