In accordance with federal regulations, Ledyard Public Schools assumes the responsibility for the location, identification and evaluation of all children with a disability residing in Ledyard, whether or not they attend a public school.
WHAT IS CHILD FIND? Child Find is a legal requirement that schools locate all children, from birth through age 22, and evaluate any child that is known to or suspected of having a disability who may be entitled to special education services.
WHAT GROUPS OF CHILDREN MUST SPECIFICALLY BE FOUND? Any child residing within the District who is suspected of having a disability including children who are:
- Preschool age - Age three to five years (Birth to three years are located and identified by the State of CT Birth-to-Three System)
- Highly mobile
- Homeless
- Migrant or immigrant families
** Children enrolled in private or parochial schools by their parents should contact school staff at the child's current enrollment for details on how to make a referral for evaluation.
- Advertisements in local newspapers, school newsletters and local radio stations
- Postings on the District website
- Ongoing contact with representatives of local and statewide agencies and groups including but not limited to:

Our early childhood special education programs include certified teachers, a speech/language pathologist and access to services of a school psychologist, occupational therapist and physical therapist.
In addition to general procedures, children at the preschool age level are identified by:
- Transition from the Birth-to-Three System
- Preschool screening flyers posted in our schools, various locations throughout the local community and sent home with students
- Notices sent to local businesses and doctor's offices
Screening for preschool identification and further evaluation is currently offered monthly by appointment throughout the school year. Please call 860-536-9477 to schedule an appointment.
Through Child Find, Ledyard has an obligation to identify, locate, and evaluate children with disabilities who are enrolled in private or parochial schools within our town. Ledyard students who attend magnet or charter schools in other towns are public school students and are referred through general procedures. If a child who enters a private school without previously being identified as a child with a disability is suspected of having a disability during the school year, the LEA (Local Education Agency) where the private school is located is responsible for ensuring such a child is identified, located and evaluated.